Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
11:30 AM - 7:00 PM PST
Boeing House
311 16th Ave SW
Olympia, WA 98501
This event cost is Complimentary.
David Schroedel, Executive Vice President
(253) 682-1723
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The State’s Legislators can have a dramatic impact on businesses’ ability to succeed. The Chamber’s advocacy program gives business owners and managers the opportunity for a face-to-face discourse with policymakers and elected officials at Legislative Day on matters critical to business.
The opening session starts with an overview of the legislative objectives and the state of the current 2025 Legislative Session, and includes a box lunch at the Boeing House, which is across the street from the Senate Offices and just down the street from the Capitol. You will receive talking points and training on meeting with legislators, and you will have time to practice what you will say when you meet with your representatives in their offices that afternoon.
After the opening session ends, you will join other leaders on the hill to meet with your legislators. Once you register, we will make legislative appointments for you. You only need to show up!
It's highly recommended that participants attend the Government Affairs Committee Meeting on January 10, 2025. You will receive an overview of the day and have a chance to have any questions addressed by our team.
11:30 AM-12:00 PM | 2025 Tacoma Pierce County Chamber overview and session specific topic discussion over lunch.
12-5 PM | Legislature meetings on the Hill in breakout groups.
5-7 PM | Legislative reception at Boeing House.
Have questions?
Please contact David Schroedel
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber for more information.
950 Pacific Ave. Suite #300, Tacoma, Washington 98401-1933 – (253) 627-2175 –