Thursday Aug 26, 2021
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
Virtual Event. Link will be sent to attendees prior to event.
Members $50 for each session
Non-Members $75 for each session
Alison Bryan
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THE PROGRESS PROCESS: A Path to Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racist Business
Join us for a 6-session, interactive workshop in which we will explore organizational transformation with a lens on equity and anti-racism. The sessions are designed to engage participants who are looking for space to discuss equity literacy and organizational development. The facilitators are experienced equity practitioners and established leaders in the public and private sectors. Participants will gain knowledge and skills that will help them navigate a roadmap to practice and achieve levels of equity, inclusion and anti-racism in their businesses.
*Disclaimer - these sessions are highly interactive and participants should expect to have their cameras on, contribute to small group dialogue, and take notes.
I am an established leader, organizational manager, and community stakeholder. As a United States Army Officer I am privileged to serve among the nations top 1% at multiple echelons and across varied disciplines. As an Executive Director of a nonprofit I serve my local community with an asset-based philosophy of community development. As the first Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Specialist with the school district, I work collaboratively to ensure ALL Students are served in a way that they can grow and flourish.
I come alongside teams of all kinds to establish equitable, inclusive, and transformative leaders for world-changing communities. I empower leaders by discovering their strengths & stories so that together we can produce thoughtful plans for systemic change & transformation in institutions and in the lives of all people. I provide outstanding training and equipping for adults as well as our next generation of leaders.
February 25th
Session 1: Why Equity
Concept of Operations Equality is good, but equity is what?s best. Our first session will be an introduction to concepts to achieve shared language and understanding. Participants will discover the real power of equity as reproducing the ?curb cut effect.?
March 25th
Session 2: A Pathway to Organizational Equity and Anti-Racism
A systematic approach to practicing and achieving equity, inclusion, and anti-racism organizationally. The journey to becoming anti-racist in business is not an on and off switch, its process that should be mapped out. In this session we introduce a roadmap, steps, guiding questions, and practical applications. As we grow in our equity literacy it must translate to actionable steps and changes in our practice.
April 29th
Session 3: Traversing the Roadmap to Equity and Anti-Racism
The journey to equity and anti-racism is both personal and professional. Participants will be introduced to the stages of racial identity development for personal growth. The 7 Steps process will allow participants to use data from their organization to grow in anti-racism in their businesses. Participants will use the specifics of their organization to receive additional coaching and guidance on next steps for change.
May 27th
Session 4: How to Lead a Life of Diversity
Explore the intellectual, social, and countercultural aspects of the phrase, ?Keeping it Real.? The phrase is well known, understood, and well used in the inner city urban context. Participants will begin a conversation on the difference between a stratified life versus an integrated life. Participants will explore the concept of mirror as it relates to how to lead a life of diversity.
August 26th
Session 5: Circles of My Identity and Double Consciousness
A discussion on organizational culture and the social, emotional, and mental cost of diversity. In this session we bring to bare the writings of philosophers, educators, historians, activists, and CEOs to examine our businesses and departments. We will practice both the mirror and window as we dialogue in small and large groups.
September 30th
Session 6: Living History and Legacy Living
We conclude our 6 part session with input from a guest speaker leading organizational change as they share results, roadblocks, best practices for leaders, and the ?Marathon of Sprints.? We will channel the concept used by the people of Ghana, Sankofa. How do we look back on history in order to move forward.
TEAM PARTNER: 2 attendees | name listed on event communications - $1500
COMMUNITY PARTNER: 4 attendees | logo on event communications & advertising - $2500
PROGRESS PARTNER: 6 attendees | logo on event communications & advertising | introduce session - $5000
CONTACT MICHELLE MATHESON, Director of Member Engagement and Operations, for more information:
email: or call: (253) 682-1724
950 Pacific Ave. Suite 300
Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone: (253) 627-2175 Fax: (253) 597-7305 [email protected] |
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