Tuesday May 10, 2022
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM PDT
8-9 AM
Zoom information will be provided upon registration
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Michelle Matheson
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Are you a small business leader in the South Sound? South Sound Business Roundtable is a forum where local business leaders can gather to discuss issues, share solutions, and develop new ideas to help them succeed. The agenda is set by the participants at each meeting. Join us for this lively discussion!
For our virtual round tables all participants will be asked to join via Zoom and share their screen and name your tile with your First Last Name and Company. The Zoom login information will be shared once you register. After the meeting all virtual business cards will be shared to the entire group to continue the discussion.
Paul Long, Senior Vice President, Timberland Bank
Bob Hays, President, Legal Shield
Wade Stewart, Managing Member, Tech Masters
950 Pacific Ave. Suite 300
Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone: (253) 627-2175 Fax: (253) 597-7305 [email protected] |
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