Medical ClinicsAcupuncture TherapyHealthHealth Care ProviderHealth Care Providers-NaturopathicMedical ServicesNonProfitPhysicians
Mon-Thurs 8:00-5:00 Friday 8:00-3:30
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Located at 3700 Pacific Highway East #100 Fife, WA 98424
Salish Cancer Center opened its doors in April 2015 to provide integrative oncology care to cancer patients in the surrounding community. Our mission is to provide a transformational journey for every
As a state-of-the-art cancer center in Washington, we offer services to meet your needs and care that exceeds your expectations. Our providers take pride in their work and go above and beyond to ensure all patients receive the most individualized care possible at every stage of their journey. At Salish Cancer Center, we provide evidence-based and personalized cancer treatments. Treatments include chemotherapy, naturopathic integrative oncology, targeted anti-cancer therapies, acupuncture, native healing, and immunotherapies.
Cancer can be a difficult and long road, but the staff and doctors at Salish Cancer Center are here for you every step of the way.
950 Pacific Ave. Suite 300
Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone: (253) 627-2175 Fax: (253) 597-7305 |
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